Contact Us

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We want to hear from you

Our offices

Singapore (HQ)

Giraffe Healthcare Pte Ltd
1 Pemimpin Drive #08-06, One Pemimpin
Singapore 576151
+65 69700414
[email protected]

Korea Office

Giraffe Healthcare Korea Co., Ltd

Malaysia Office

Giraffe Healthcare Sdn. Bhd

Thailand Office (Coming Soon)


Please fill up the contact form below for any enquires. We strive to respond within 1-2 business days.

General Inquiries

Start with a Free consultation and get your Detailed Planning.

Tell us a little on what you are looking for, so we can get ready to help you

Rest assured we will not spam or share your contact.

We will contact you to set a time to discuss and address all your concerns. We will not be pushy during the meetup, and only if you are comfortable, then we will proceed to sell for you :)